Client wanted curled ends. Twists are actually bra strap length, but hair was pulled up immediately after braiding to take some of the immediate weight off.
Beautiful syle. Are these synthetic hair or human hair twists? Is there a preference and is hair loss inevitable? I like the versatility of braids but am afraid of the hair loss.
Well, synethic is generally used. Kankelon(sp?) is probably the most popular hair. Hair loss can be prevented; with proper care your hair will even grow longer, stronger and healthier. As long as you wash them every week, condition your scalp(focusing on hairline), and tie up your hair everynight before bed with a satin/silk scarf the you should be fine. If you want to braid your hair, make sure it is very healthy prior to braiding. A good hot oil treatment before can prevent much breakage. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! :)
Rosetta Coley and Dwedor Ford, co-owners of African Sistahs' Hair Braiding are officially at your service.
Employing the tri-city's finest braiders, loc designers, and extension specialists, African Sistahs' is now serving you around the clock!
Location: 2668 South Stratford Rd, Winston-Salem, NC
Number: 336.575.5184 /// 336.926.2080
Beautiful syle. Are these synthetic hair or human hair twists? Is there a preference and is hair loss inevitable? I like the versatility of braids but am afraid of the hair loss.
Well, synethic is generally used. Kankelon(sp?) is probably the most popular hair. Hair loss can be prevented; with proper care your hair will even grow longer, stronger and healthier. As long as you wash them every week, condition your scalp(focusing on hairline), and tie up your hair everynight before bed with a satin/silk scarf the you should be fine. If you want to braid your hair, make sure it is very healthy prior to braiding. A good hot oil treatment before can prevent much breakage. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize! :)
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